Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Message From God

I wake up in the morning
Heard the sound of raining
I opened the window and shocked
Because world is stretched

I saw
The lake became ocean
I saw
The remote distance between us
I saw world became much more vast
People are still trivial and humble

I laugh, I cry
I received the message from God
See, this is the distance between us
See, this is the distance between heart

Do Seek Their Meath From God

They are the hunters roaming in the dark
They are the darkness devouring lives
They are the creatures of God

In the deepest black
In the name of predation

Fighting to survive
Ruling the wild
Eating or being eaten
That's the rule by God

They are not made to live for eating others
But to let the generations go on
And feed cubs with pure love
So they choose to be the devil wandering in forests

To be or not to be
No one responsible for that miserable fate
To hunt, to survive, to love their cubs
That is the rule of nature
Oh, God
They have to seek their meat from thee